Fiqh of Muslim women
标题: 穆斯林妇女的教律
语言: 中文
来源 : 茹勒费宣传、指导、合作办公室
简述: 此书是竹勒菲宣教办公室荣誉推出的一本比较全面的伊斯兰知识丛书。本书简明扼要的讲述了部分有关穆斯林妇女的教律。
Title: Fiqh of Muslim women
Language: Chinese
Source: Le Fei Ru publicity, guidance and cooperation office
Description: This book is the bamboo Lefebvre missionary officeis proud to offer a more comprehensive series of Islamicknowledge. The book succinctly describes the part of the Fiqh ofMuslim women.
Language: Chinese
Source: Le Fei Ru publicity, guidance and cooperation office
Description: This book is the bamboo Lefebvre missionary officeis proud to offer a more comprehensive series of Islamicknowledge. The book succinctly describes the part of the Fiqh ofMuslim women.