A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam (I.A. Ibrahim)
This introductory book on Islam serves as a good da'wah tool, explaining some of the fundamentals of Islam, as well signifying verses of the Qur'an and how they relate to science and the world around us. It is produced in full-color high quality glossy paper finish.
The first chapter, Some Evidence for the Truth
of Islam, answers some important questions which some people ask:
n Is the
Quran truly the literal word of God, revealed by Him?
n Is Muhammad
n Is Islam
truly a religion from God?
In this chapter, six kinds of evidence are
1) The Scientific Miracles in the Holy
Quran: This section discusses (with illustrations) some recently discovered
scientific facts mentioned in the Holy Quran, which was revealed fourteen
centuries ago.
2) The Great Challenge to Produce One
Chapter Like the Chapters of the Holy Quran: In the Quran, God challenged
all human beings to produce a single chapter like the chapters of the Quran.
Ever since the Quran was revealed, fourteen centuries ago, until this day, no
one has been able to meet this challenge, even though the smallest chapter in
the Quran (Chapter 108) is only ten words.
3) Biblical Prophecies on the Advent of
4) The Verses in the Quran That Mention
Future Events Which Later Came to Pass: The Quran mentioned future events
which later came to pass, for example, the victory of the Romans over the
5) Miracles Performed by the Prophet
6) The Simple Life of Muhammad
From these six kinds of evidence, we conclude
n The Quran
must be the literal word of God, revealed by Him.
n Muhammad
n Islam is
truly a religion from God.
If we would like to know if a religion is true or
false, we should not depend on our emotions, feelings, or traditions. Rather, we
should depend on our reason and intellect. When God sent the prophets, He
supported them with miracles and evidence which proved that they were truly
prophets sent by God and hence that the religion they came with is true.
The second chapter, Some Benefits of Islam,
mentions some of the benefits that Islam provides for the individual, such as:
1) The Door to Eternal Paradise
2) Salvation from Hellfire
3) Real Happiness and Inner Peace
4) Forgiveness for All Previous Sins.
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